101 Facts About Taylor Swift - The Introduction

The book is advertised as being for younger readers, so why was I given this as a present this, my 53rd Christmas?

It's difficult to tell if this book was actually written by a person at all or if it is the result of asking AI to "provide 101 facts about Taylor Swift".

The cover looks like the result of asking AI to generate a picture of "A 30 something year old blonde, female singer/songwriter peforming" and there are no details within the book to suggest otherwise.

The introduction is bland and scatters a few bonus facts in, again this may just be because it's written for a younger audience.

In Augst 2024 I drove these crazy kids, Maia and Jasmine, to Wembely so they could attend one of the Eros shows on the London leg of the global tour.

The London public transport system is possibly one of the best in the world, however driving to within a couple of stops and parking up meant that there was less stress when it came to leaving at the end of the show.

Of course I don't do thinks by half and rather than just being the chauffeur for the day I went in deep, listening to the songs, talking the talk and dipping my toes into the water of what it is to be a Swifty.

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Tags:Taylor Swift

This update was first written by Darren Wall
on Thursday 26th Dec 2024.
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Site created by Darren Wall. Last modified: January 15 2025 10:06:25.